The Power of Pimples

M. M. De Voe
4 min readJul 18, 2024

explosive new evidence

What a pimple looks like on your own face (Photo by Alain Bonnardeaux on Unsplash)

Has any one of you NOT had a stressful week? Mine included going out four out of seven nights (and entertaining in for two others), writing a grant that (no pressure) is the main way that I get paid, being told that my son is in a different country than I thought he was in, not hearing from my daughter who is teaching circus to children at a far-away camp, discovering a lack of funding where I thought there was more, getting a notice from my co-op that the monthly maintenance fees were going steeply up, learning that the “relaxing” week that I was planning for myself at Lithuanian camp (that’s another post) will actually entail not only being in charge of planning and executing the evening activities but also devising an activity for the singing club that allows the 2 choir kids to feel challenged and the 3 never-sung-befores to participate.

That’s just the immediately stressful stuff — there’s also the usual medical stuff, my mom’s medical stuff, my uncle’s medical stuff, aging in general, the usual “house is a mess,” and the usual “what do I eat for dinner that is low on budget, calories, effort, and still offers nutrition and flavor.” And travel is in my near future, so packing, scheduling, etc.

Are you tired just reading through this list? Yes, it’s a little stressful.



M. M. De Voe
M. M. De Voe

Written by M. M. De Voe

Fictionista, collector of obscure awards, admirer of optimists in the face of dread. Author of 2 books that are polar opposites and yet the same.

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