Meta Flash Fantasy Romance

M. M. De Voe
3 min readJun 5, 2024

You probably think this post is about you

What if an author read another author’s blog. What if that blog was so meta and so funny that the first author felt they knew the second author, that they were kindred spirits. What if, instead of meeting said author at a con or a signing table where surely both would devolve into worrying about how tired they both looked even if they each found the other ridiculously attractive, for no apparent reason other than they were both single, both writers, and both therefore living in their own imaginations so really who cares what they each looked like, or even what genders they were, since minds have no gender or do they….?

The question bears discussion.

Point is, this budding romance might be derailed by issues of the day, which do, certainly, bear discussion, though not usually in the middle of a sentence about meeting someone who may or may not be destined for you (the missing of which meeting, even for a conversation as immediately important as this one, would be a tragedy along the lines of dropping the first ice cream cone of summer onto hot beach sand, or if not quite that dire, at least as sad as the last movie that made you cry). The point is that it is possible one author composed a whole story just because Hope might have fleetingly popped its vicious little horned head into the room. Or not. Maybe…



M. M. De Voe
M. M. De Voe

Written by M. M. De Voe

Fictionista, collector of obscure awards, admirer of optimists in the face of dread. Author of 2 books that are polar opposites and yet the same.

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